why does it tell me i need to post at least 1 char.? lol just restarted the computer so empty clipboard
My video game news article, lol Coalition of Empires cries “Huzzah!” PC9-AY, Cluster (LEG1ON) -- A lone wolf member of the Huzzah Federation, committed an illegal entry to the NBSI cluster on August 27th, 2007 at exactly 07:57 local Eve time. Reports came in from advanced Alliance scouts along with local mission, mining and BRUCE representatives. The Huzzah Federation member, known as “Kmacross”, proceeded to the Intaki Commerce Trade Warehouse, where he was seen docking in an Amarr Abaddon battleship class vessel. Members of the Coalition of Empires standard militia, along with Brutally Clever Empire defense ops division, mobilized for a defensive maneuver just off the station’s starboard undock ramp. Members of the operation were from various corporations and joint alliance backgrounds. Members included Freak Johner (Thanatos), Matt Riley (Absolution), Baliskner (Raven), Tokalis (Drake), Whoochec (Hurricane), Starrion (Nemesis) and Kaddrel (Rook). Corporations represented were from The Dead Parrot Shoppe Inc., LEG1ON, Entech and The Graduates. In an attempt deemed as foolish as his entry, Kmacross undocked the Abaddon with the intention to align to the JH gate and flee. His attempts were no doubt foiled when COE and BRUCE engaged. Kmacross, fully fit with Tech 2 modules, returned fire, targeting Whoochec’s Tech 2 fitted Hurricane battle-cruiser. Moving to range and using transversal motion tactics, Whoochec returned fire with a hail of rounds and Hobgoblin drones. Kaddrel, piloting the Rook electronics warfare vessel, engaged Kmacross with a series of electronic counter-measures used to disrupt the Abaddon’s targeting systems, hence relieving Whoochec’s Hurricane, allowing for much needed remote repair. Following in suit, defensive forces rallied to offensive maneuvers, putting optimal range between themselves and the fledging Abaddon. With the hail of ammunition raining down upon him, Kmacross no doubt became shell-shocked, deteriorating his ship’s onboard stability system, which added to the surprise move by Baliskner; undocking his Raven battleship for a needed station bump, a known tactic used to move a target out of docking range. Baliskner activated his 100mn micro warp drive and made a direct flight path into the Abaddon, pushing him to 3,600 meters off the docking ramp, allowing forces to gain the upper hand and the knowledge that their target could no longer dock, nor warp. With the target warp scrambled and unable to dock, it was only a matter of time before the chill of the universe enveloped Kmacross. With the battle near its end and defensive forces’ adrenaline pumping hard, the Abaddon surrendered its position and perished. The pod was exterminated in a manner in which the Alliance calls “Free ride on the light speed express.”