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**Official Rota Love/Hate Thread**

Discussion in 'Suspension, Brakes, Wheels & Tires' started by Nachtmensch, Jun 9, 2006.


Do You Like Rota?

  1. Yes. I'd Rock Them Any Day

    17 vote(s)
  2. They're Good For The Money

    13 vote(s)
  3. No. I Dislike them.

    11 vote(s)
  1. suckawillis

    suckawillis New Member

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    Jun 2, 2006
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    GOOD CHOICES!!!! I just put in my order for my new wheels
    got to wait 6 more weeks

    Work XSA-02C

  2. g3teg97

    g3teg97 New Member

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    Apr 27, 2006
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    I like those!
  3. suckawillis

    suckawillis New Member

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    Jun 2, 2006
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    thanks, I don't see too many people with them and Jim at workwheelsusa recommended me to get them. I agreed!!
  4. BoostSpyke

    BoostSpyke New Member

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    Apr 29, 2006
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    it wasn't sideways...

    and it wasn't 80mph...:(
  5. imeonic

    imeonic New Member

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    Jul 21, 2006
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    rota, the robin hood of wheels

    robin hood steals stuff from the greedy rich people,
    and hands em to the masses..for them to use and enjoy..
    in the end, robin hood is still a good guy, even though he steals..

    i <3 rotas and i admire the real ones..
    i dont care what people say or talk shit about em..
    aslong as they make my car look good and perform well for daily use.
    too much jdm ego...is sometimes stupid..
    id rather curb a rota than curbing my desmonds wich i spent 450+ per wheel..
    and regret it in the end...
  6. imeonic

    imeonic New Member

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    Jul 21, 2006
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  7. Deibidosan

    Deibidosan Active Member

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    Jul 21, 2006
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    i like slipstreams. i think they serve their purpose. i love sw388s. i had a set of konig tantrums at one time. looks just like the advan T7. point is that its not ok to copy, take credit for a design, or bite wheels names (tenzo shu4). if you cant save up and only have enough for rotas, then thats ok. if you can save up or generally afford the real deal then ok. if you like rotas thats ok. i didnt feel like a sucker to have slips on my hatch. if i had a pocket full of money i would have had sw388s, or mugens. personally im not too concerned about someone having the real wheels or copies. if it makes that car look good thats ok with me.:)
  8. delsolmidget

    delsolmidget New Member

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    Aug 20, 2006
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    you know all i ever hear anymore is that if you have something fake you are going to be flamed for it and thats all alot of people do in this scene. im a fucking noob and i'll fucking say it. but what the hell does it matter if its the real deal or not. rota just got the design after the patent was gone. everyone does it and there is nothing wrong with it. and what the hell does it matter if someone puts rota, or drag, or mugen. in the end regardless of if you use them for racing or just driving so long as you are the one who is happy about them then thats all that matters. and for all of those who hate the knock off shit. you are the reason that some noobs are afraid to bring their car around. afraid you will hate on them instead of just taking the time to see what they have done to their car to make it something that they like.... remember people build cars for themselves and for people to see what they can do not to have people say they are idiots because you dont like what they did to THEIR car.:mad:
  9. Deibidosan

    Deibidosan Active Member

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    Jul 21, 2006
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    well im proud to say that on this website there isnt very much "flaming" at all. if someone asks the question, "do you like rotas?" then i expect people to answer honestly. and there might be an arguement about it. BUT if there is a "noob" that shows their car in the newbie section, im almost 100% positive that there will be no one who will flame them and run them off the site! thats the main reason why i like this forum so much. people are polite and the regular posters dont flame of hate on other members. maybe you're talking about HT. i know there is alot of that going on there. just my thoughts.:)
  10. delsolmidget

    delsolmidget New Member

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    yeah i know and i have been on HT for way too long and they have made me think that just about every forum is like that and thats why i like this place too. no one here makes me feel like im an idiot and i didnt mean to argue i just had a bad night and i spoke my mind a little too much. sorry.
  11. 97-ferio

    97-ferio Active Member

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    Jul 11, 2006
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    i like Rotas, and i'm not ashamed to admit it.:) i think i would rather have my rotas stolen off of my car than say a rare set of japanese rims that cost an arm and a leg. not that i would want anything stolen from my car in the first place. i think rotas are nice, and the price for a set w/tires looks good to me too. :) besides that, Rota Wheels is based in the Phillipines if i'm not mistaken, and stuff made in the Phillipines is usually of very good quality. so, i give Rota Wheels two of these--->:thumbup: :)
  12. imeonic

    imeonic New Member

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    Jul 21, 2006
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    if it performs well and already has a standard in racing and compliments the car..may it be real or fake..id rock it..wheels are wheels..its how you use em..
    any wheel that you bump on a curb will really break.
    the problem here is that they copy designs..which i dont care..
    its not the quality issue they have been there and have respected in the track.
  13. 13BT

    13BT New Member

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    Jun 15, 2006
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    honestly, if i had the money and really wanted to, id buy the original copies. but with the way ROTA prices their wheels is hard to beat.

    sure theyre replicas and all but id rather spend ~$400-500 on a set rather than per wheel.
  14. Shaggy

    Shaggy New Member

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    Imo i would much prefer the real thing, but lets be practical for a moment:

    if you have a car such as a S2000, Evo, or a new RSX, i would say save up and get the real thing definately!

    now what about a 1977 VW Rabbit with a set of VOLKS.....:googly:

    i guess what im trying to get at is rotas are good for the $ but not a real comparason to the real thing of course, i mean lets face it guys i have seen worse wheels out there. ever heard of ultra? im not gona hate on anyone for what they cant afford, i know what its like. if they are happy with their car then i salute them... i guess thats the real reason i havent asked for many opinions on my future mods, its gona be my car, my way. it would mean a lot if everyone here praised my car when i reveal it in october but my car is going to be all about me (and no its not riced out if thats what yall are thinking lol. it will be ~JDM~). but its like someone said b4, i would feel less ticked if i curbed a rota rather than the real thing!

    thats just my opinon

    /\ i think i should start going to bed earlier, startin to express my feelings too much lol
  15. Nachtmensch

    Nachtmensch New Member

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    Apr 28, 2006
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    for all of you who use the excuse "id rather curb a rota over the real deal," ITS NOT THAT HARD TO NOT CURB A WHEEL. just know the width of your car. its that easy.

    lets put this in perspective, i paid 600 for some buddy club wheels with brand new tires. take away the tires (mounting, balanceing etc), i paid about $300 for some barely used wheels.

    am i missing something here? like an excuse to buy rotas?
  16. familycar-GSR

    familycar-GSR New Member

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    Jun 1, 2006
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    Good point about them getting stolen. A few years back i was about to buy some wheels and it came down to the sw388's or rotas. I went witht the spoon wheels and low and behold, 2 weeks later my car got stolen. I would have felt a hell of a lot better if it had been 400 dollar rims that got jacked with the car than the 2000 dollar ones i so stupidly decided to go with. But i like rotas, and would buy a set if i was in the market for new rims, maybe when i park my car and drive it only on sundays i'll get a set of spoons or volks.
  17. digitalHorizon

    digitalHorizon New Member

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    Apr 27, 2006
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    OMG a Rota thread! :woot:

    (subscribing for future boredom)
  18. JussHatched

    JussHatched Active Member

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    May 12, 2006
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    Well it goes without saying that we'd all prefer the most expensive rims or "the originals" but in all reality most of us just dont have that kind of money to spend on wheels or at least its not that big of a priority. (after all you could spend that money on so many better things) The day my rotas get heavy or break ill consider another company but until then ill stick with my trusty rotas. :rocks:

    Bottom line: If you dont like them, DONT BUY THEM. Its a free country, but please dont whine to the rest of us because we dont care! :slap:
  19. digitalHorizon

    digitalHorizon New Member

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    Apr 27, 2006
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    If you don't like how much I can afford to spend on wheels, go ahead and shut the fuck up about that while you're at it. I don't want to hear about how much I wasted from you any more than you want to hear about how much you saved from me. :poke:
  20. imeonic

    imeonic New Member

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    Jul 21, 2006
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    bottom line..if your car is an economy car,35miles/galon, used daily like a CIVIC..get rotas if you want to!nobody cares what wheels you put in em now adays..inexpensive reasonable wheels for reasonable inexpensive cars :)
    if you drive a sport vehicle (s2k,Z,evo,Sti..etc) then i guess you are expected to buy the authentic ones cause if you have the money to buy these cars, then you can afford the real shit.
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