Every time I do a quick reply It goes to a blank screen then I have to go back and refresh the page to see my post. Sounds like a similar problem if you ask me cause Im using firefox too. Its kinda annoying but not the biggets deal. Anyone else?
maybe a month or so, i havent really payed too much attention to it. its not just quick replies for me too. i didnt realize it was only those. :help: haha
Ok what you are getting are timeout errors or connection errors to the mysql database 2013 etc. This usually occurs when there is a strain on the server and since we are on a shared server expect them as it is normal, especially when there are numerous users on at the same time. Until we actually need a dedicated or VDS they will happen here and there, once we are bigger a VDS or dedicated server will definatley happen, but is much much more expensive per month ($100-$300 per month). So in the meantime, its shared hosting for us still.
how about a DIY forum in the tech section.....in the other forums that i have been in...its a decently popular topic...i always enjoy reading the things people figure out how to do on their own
you guys do an amazing job with this site keeping it going and in the right direction. but after logging onto the same bland site everyday i think its time for a spruce up. instead of the little house in the upper right corner put a set of new driver and elder driver badges. change the manga cars at the top of the page gt-r, evo x? the site is awesome its just a little suggestion.
Sounds like a good idea. Maybe Jusshatched can whip up a nice header pic with JDMChat slapped on it. I always kinda wondered what that little house was suppose to represent.
it was probably just a stock template for the site service. i think the entire forum needs a renovation. JussHatched should whip this up