wing/ bill whatever you want to call it, is this the mugen one? and is there anywhere i can get one? real or replica it doesn't matter i want one!!
def. mugen. you should be able to find a Wings West one. same thing. unless you want the real thing. which you should be able to find. good luck! here ya go. your sister should be able to get this for ya!
Yes, it is Mugen. However wings west is made of FG and the Mugen is a spongy polyblend type material. The Mugen wing has been discontinued for about a decade and a half. I love the look of that wing! Dbendel35 - That wing on the yahoo listing has the overlay on the top which mounts different. The Mugen uses double sided tape and brackets on the side. But that wing looks great as well. It helps the flow of the CRX and makes it look a tad longer.
ya if i had the money kinda broke till i get paid, and sell some turbo stuff, and other random car stuff i have laying around. lol
thats all personal preference but this thread is useless without pics of ur car. yeah basically its up too u but if u post pics of ur car then we will have a fun time picking for u
lol my car isnt painted yet at the moment its pretty plain, im in the middle of a build and just grabbing stuff as i go. but this is the color my car is ganna be..
i say leave it cf, if you eventually don't like it then spray it, but it's not like you can just wipe the paint off of it if you don't like it painted but i think it'll look bomb either way so....
yeah with that color and some nice rims cf would look the best it would be a good accent color for the car
i found a real one but i didnt win :cry: i was at work when the bid went higher then my max.. EXPLETIVE UPS, im so mad :computerrage: