okay... thanks to the Bremerton to Seattle ferry loading ramp my old S13 Pignose lip is history i need a new one, i'm appealing to the JDMChat community in hopes that someone out there knows of a pignose lip that's for sale at this point i really don't give a f*** about having to pay shipping lemme know what you all come up with, god knows i'm not finding anything shipping would be to area code 98052 common CLUTCH i know you live in cali, all the one's that i'm finding are located down there on zilvia buy me one, i'll pay you lol
just buy some fucking aero. the car will look so much better with aero than a lip when the rest of the car is kitted. buy the VS version IV front so it matches your sides and rear. then buy some 17x8.5 and 17x9's to get rid of your giant tires.
i'm trying not to have to pay $250 to ship a bumper... let alone the cost of the bumper... plus that is an ugly ass front
Home Depot Lip... Im Not Going to be Back Until March 18th (Im on Vacation in New Orleans) Mardi Gras... :rocks: Just Get a Front Lip from Home Depot. :googly: J/P....:roflmao: Give Me a Sec to Call Around and I will Give You Info Number and Price...
Please Call. Call then say you Need a "Used Lip." They should have one Laying around from a Unused Front Clip... :rocks:
Ask for Eric. Just Ask for Eric, He is a Very Good Hearted Mech that Always Give Away Shit (used parts) to Clear Room for his Work Space....
Eric help Build My ole S13 Fuck No!!! Eric was the BackBone Hands Down.... hsnap: Im Gonna Call Around some More...
Having a Hard Time... I Tried Calling Around and No one wants to Give Up there Spare Lips... :computerrage: Maybe a "Home Depot Lip" would be a good Idea Until you get a Full Kit.
Post Pics... Post Pics of the Lip.... Meanwhile.... 2 Puppets 1 Cup. <object width="464" height="388" classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000"><param name="movie" value="http://www2.funnyordie.com/public/flash/fodplayer.swf?1202361338" /><param name="flashvars" value="key=0d42e0428c" /><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /><embed width="464" height="388" flashvars="key=0d42e0428c" allowfullscreen="true" quality="high" src="http://www2.funnyordie.com/public/flash/fodplayer.swf?1202361338" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"></embed></object><noscript><a href="http://www.funnyordie.com/videos/0d42e0428c">2 Puppets 1 Cup</a> on <a href="http://www.funnyordie.com/">FunnyOrDie.com</a></noscript>