Ok, So I hope you Guys Havent Seen this Before... But If You have you Know Its Funny Enough to watch Again... :spitdrink: Please Click the Images Below!!!! If you Enjoyed this Episode here is a Link for More Red vs. Blue
I've been obsessed with RvB since I asked Peter what the hell was that sticker on his trunk. Can't fucking wait for season 6.
uhh.... you know that the blood gultch chronicles are over right? they stopped at 100 episodes they've since done a 4 part mini series and are working on something new
halo is overrated. i just played halo 2 again at a guys house and it sucks. its not action packed or tactical enough. for me, it either has to be a run and gun, blow everything into pieces, or sneak around and snipe people from far.
eh, its boring to me and has no cool guns. theyre all boring in my mind. idk, i guess im not halo material. now, throw me UT or CS and im good to go. halo looks too generic and mundane to me
Counter Strike... Now Im a Counter Strike Head from Way BACK!!! hsnap: But I have Played Halo Online and Its Still Fun an Exciting and Now they have More Maps So Its Still Interesting...:rocks:
I know. supposedly working on a series with the Halo3 engine in either Valhalla, Rat's Nest, or somewhere. There are a few small vids floating around youtube beyond the "out of mind" series. They may be PSAs or some junk. And I like Halo, just not wild about it. RvB is just hilarious to me, regardless of the entire Halo mantra.
no the 4 part saga i'm talking about is in halo3 and only avalible to sponcers and those on XBL yes they are working on a series based in one of the new maps and keep a lookout for a mechinima called SIMD should be out mid jan, gonna be tight