the one who got me started on Hondas a couple years back and of course RevJDM from JDMUniverse i have always loved his car, i think it is near perfection
Damn...all of these nice hatchies! My hatch is my favorite...but it's no competition with these [not good enough yet]! Mine is still under construction but she'll will one day look as hot as these eks do!
honda city turbo is the best..... no really this is a pretty hot hatch i think that this was the b20 bad boy in scc a couple of years ago not to sure but its a dam clean car.
He parted that hatch out to Toto, and he has a clean ass white coupe now with a trunk pole slammed on regamaster evo's it's fucking hard.:rocks:
APEXi EK Civic Hatchback Here are some old pics I dug up in my old files (cleaning and deleting files). Anyhow this is from a Older SEMA show with Rowena Galam. Notice the Volk IIIs! (I don't take credit for these)