well, my sister had her child on monday. they ended up having a c-section because the guy had a wide waist and they told my sister that he was better off going out via c-section. my sister unfortunately had some complications though. what happened is that she didn't have enough platelets in their blood so the possibility to bleed to death was very evident. the average number is 300,000. my sister had around 36,000. the doctors told her that they never operated on someone with that low of a count and had them survive. she survived (thank god!), though they said she was so close to dying on that operating table. she got to leave the hospital on thursday afternoon, and stopped by my parents house since it was on their way home so the whole family could see him. heres a few pictures of her beautiful baby boy. i am officially an uncle.
congratulations to you, your family, and most of all, your sister whom is obviously a very strong willed person. i'm glad all is well and i'm glad the baby is alright too. congrats uncle kevin!! now buy this kid some hot wheels, so by the time hes twelve he'll know more about cars then us!
ive been looking into some already haha yeah, and my sister already said she wants another :spitdrink: shes crazy if you ask me.... but i think she is going to take some time until then. no rush but yeah, he'll come over and get to play my drums, video games, and have fun in my car.
Congratulations! Dude, my brother just had a baby the other day too so now Im an uncle too lol. Shits crazy
congrats man and start teaching him early so when he gets older he will know everything bout cars and then when his uncle gets old and gray hell be fixing your cars lol
wow dude thats great! thank god that your sis and the baby is ok! my sister had her baby when i was 5 so i was an uncle early :googly: congrats to you and your family. dont spoil him too early now lol