Looking for job ideas

Discussion in 'Off Topic - Anything' started by Mikey, Sep 22, 2006.

  1. Mikey

    Mikey New Member

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    Apr 28, 2006
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    So here's my deal:

    I took 2 years of college and will be getting my A.S. degree in December or next spring (whenever the semester ends). Right now I started taking automotive classes thinking I want to become a mechanic, but now I am back to not knowing what I want to do with my life.

    So my question is, What kind of jobs are out there for people with just an A.S. degree?

    I have been thinking of getting a job at a dealership changing oil and seeing how I like it there and then trying to move up there to become a mechanic, or maybe move to construction, garbage man, ect.

    What are you all doing for a living? Do you like it? Blah, blah, blah..

    Thanks, Mike
  2. Thrule01

    Thrule01 New Member

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    May 4, 2006
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    right now im working @ an oilfield distrubuters warehouse....i took 2 semsters of college....going back in the spring to tech college for computer networking prolly....even though id rahter go back for paint and body...but i couldnt keep this job if i did that....

    pay isnt bad..10.35 for now....min wage is 5.15 here so...

    but i want to possibly open a lan center/internet cafe or like a poolhall later on in life....and maybe paint some cars and all on the side for extra cash...just my thoughts for now...

    and to answer your question you can get basically any job you want...degrees are the same more or less just that you didn have to take sciences and crap that didnt apply to your degree....so you can do whatever you desire...
  3. CarbonEG6

    CarbonEG6 New Member

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    May 3, 2006
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    Join the military!

    I pocket my whole paycheck and i have the experience!
  4. Mikey

    Mikey New Member

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    Apr 28, 2006
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    That did cross my mind...

    But when you first join do you have to become a soldier or can you go into one of their jobs like MP, mechanic, computer, ect?
  5. CarbonEG6

    CarbonEG6 New Member

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    You take the asvab... you choose a job that you like, if your asvab score is high enough you choose the "better jobs" like computers, and such shit.

    If you want more in detailed info, get at me on AIM :)
  6. 97-ferio

    97-ferio Active Member

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    Jul 11, 2006
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    he sounds like my recruiter when i joined the military:) military life isn't bad at all, especially when it comes to taking care of a family. i would recommend that you wait and join as a commisioned officer. i wish i had listened to my dad when i joined, lol. anyway, the job you pick, and the job you get all depends on what branch of the military you go into, the availability of slots for that job you want at that time, and the needs of the branch of service you are joining. when you decide on your chosen career field, DO NOT under any circumstances let your recruiter sway you in a different direction just so he/she can fill a quota. each branch has its pros and cons, so choose wisely. take some time to think about your decision as this is a very big step to take, kinda like getting married. if you know what you're about to get yourself into it won't be so bad. that's my two cents:) imo, you should just continue on with your college education...if you want, you could even go into the National Guard, just so you can still go to school while serving your country. because active duty sometimes doesn't allow much time to further your education while you're in, especially in a job as demanding as mine, military police. so, choose wisely, and good luck brotha. rock on:rocks:
  7. JussHatched

    JussHatched Active Member

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    May 12, 2006
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    Right now Im working at advance auto parts for $7.50 an hour. I had never considered going into anything military related but I have been talking to my manager at work who is in the national guard and damn do they have some really good deals. Not only are they less deployed but most of the stuff they do is in the country. I talked to a recruiter and am gonna take the asvab and based on a pre test I took and a 6 year contract they offer a 20g bonus. All you have to do is go to training 1 weekend a month and 1 month a year. They pay you like $200 a weekend for training so its just like a regular weekend job. You get all sorts of tax exemtions and it looks really good on a resume among other things. Ive been considering it, maybe you should too!
  8. CarbonEG6

    CarbonEG6 New Member

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    May 3, 2006
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    hahaha, I am no where near being a recruiter, lol

    I usually tell people to join. Then they say hell no, and then i laugh.

    I get out in 11 months and I cant wait to GTFO!

    Dont join especially as a commissioned officer :roflmao:

    But if he needs a job, its an option!
  9. 97-ferio

    97-ferio Active Member

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    Jul 11, 2006
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    i signed up for 6 years, and have 2 more to go. i am weighing my options right now as i have to decide on re-enlisting, re-training, or getting out next year. i wanna get the f*@k out, but i have a baby on the way, so it's prolly gonna be between my first two options...prolly going the way of the retrain:) maybe i can get stationed in Japan again, that'd be nice:)

    and for jusshatched, the guard is a good deal as they do offer a lot of good incentives. it's also an extra paycheck in the bank too. 20gs is a really good enlistment bonus, i only got 4g's when i enlisted for active duty, out of that i only got between 2 to 3g's after taxes. the guard is a good way to go if you already have a good job as a civilian...and when you do get deployed, that's a lot of tax free money in your pocket. just be sure you have a job that is flexible w/ your national guard duty. army national guard has been deploying a lot because of 9/11 and the on-going war on terror, air national guard is slowly catching up. but hey, i'm not a recruiter, hehehe:) i'm just telling you what i know from my own experience and research.

    and hey, you get to rock one of those cool veteran's license plates for your car too after you've deployed to a foreign location a time or two, hehehe. i still need to get mine:) peace ya'll:rocks:
  10. CarbonEG6

    CarbonEG6 New Member

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    May 3, 2006
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    hhahah, 20G bonus... Sounds like Straight up BS :slap:

    They dont give that much to people with a Masters Degree :slap: again
  11. CarbonEG6

    CarbonEG6 New Member

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    May 3, 2006
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    Ok, I stopped reading there... If you have a baby on the way, stay in. Thats the bast choice I think since the Military takes care of all the medical and shit :)
  12. 97-ferio

    97-ferio Active Member

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    That's already been my plan, to stay in, from the day my wife and i found out she was pregnant. However, I'm going to put in for a retrain, so that the next few years of military service will be more pleasant than the past 4 and a half have been...also so i can spend more time with my family:) I agree about medical coverage and all that stuff. Medical is damn expensive as a civilian, especially with a baby. Peace yo:)
  13. Shaggy

    Shaggy New Member

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    May 14, 2006
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    I also have an Associates degree. im a TOYOTA TTEN grad and now currently working at a toyota dealer. before toyota, i worked @ Mazda & Mitsubishi until they kicked mitsu out and went with Hyundai. (Mazda's shop did all the service work for mitsu & later hyundai). i did the basic oilchange crap for a while then they moved me to tech rack. then my toyota college made me work at a toyota dealership to grad. went back to the bottom and just got moved to tech rack for toyota.

    im gona be honest and i tell this to everyone that asks. if you enjoy working on cars and its one of your favorite hobbies, dont get into this line of work. granted you can learn alot but it is also frustrating! ever since i started working as a mechanic, i have felt that my hobby is more of a job rather than an enjoyment. there is nothing i hate more than working on my own car thats broke after working 10hrs that day on other peoples cars! mazda was great, and sometimes fun, to work for. toyota isnt so fun but i make more money. + i dont think that there is a really good retirement plan. flat rate suks, one week ya make $800 the next you may make $100. i kind of wish that i had made a different career choice than what i did but i am currently looking elsewhere for another career. i have an offer to be a tech for Lexus but its a 1.5hr drive for me but i havent decided on what i am going to do yet.

    like the others have mentioned, the military is a great way to get great benifits, training, retirement, chance to travel, and looks great on a resume. i have a friend that is in active duty army in iraq right now. he says he loves it. i took the asvab in highschool and scored a 64 if im not mistaken and i think that 32? is what you hav to get to getinto the service <correct me if im wrong on this guys. i dont remeber what the signing bonus was for me. but i turned it down so i could continue with my current career path.

    life is short man, make the most out of it! hope this helps some
  14. 97-ferio

    97-ferio Active Member

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    Jul 11, 2006
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    thanks for clarifying that point about being a tech at a dealership...i thought about doing that when i eventually get out...but now, i guess i'll stay with my plan to be a mail man. :) the mail man job has been seeming like the way for me to go when i finally do seperate from the service.:rocks: the benefits are there, and as a mail carrier it should be a much more relaxing job than what i do right now:) right now, i'm content with the military, it's too soon to get out yet...need to go see more places, and go back to Japan too:woot:
  15. Mikey

    Mikey New Member

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    Apr 28, 2006
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    Where can you take the asvab test?
  16. 97-ferio

    97-ferio Active Member

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    Jul 11, 2006
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    i'm not too certain, but you could try talking to a school with a ROTC program and they could prolly be able to give you the asvab...but i do know this, the quickest way is to go see any recruiter, and they can set you up w/ an asvab test date. just tell them you wanna take the test...you might have to listen to their shpiel tho about how wonderful whatever branch of the service they're recruiting for is, lol:)
  17. JussHatched

    JussHatched Active Member

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    May 12, 2006
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    I have the paper right in front of me for a 6 year contract starting as an E3, which is what I would be based on my scores. 20G! 10 when you finish training, 10 when youre done serving, about $2000 every month of active duty and about $200+ every weekend of training. Id have nothing to gain from lying about this, Im just telling you what they told me.
  18. Thrule01

    Thrule01 New Member

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    May 4, 2006
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    those numbers dont sound bad.... 6 years is still a long time tho....
  19. Shaggy

    Shaggy New Member

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    May 14, 2006
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    ya recruiters will set ya up with a date in notime, not to mention if ya just sit there talking with them, they will start givin ya stuff.... leme see there is my airforce and army cdcases nat gaurd & army lanyards & shirts, army swimtrunks... lol jdmc's cheapest sum B... na i almost did sign up but then my priorities changed in life i guess u could say + i have had some knee suguries and some med problems that they were uncertain if they could get me in or not: (arthritis, stomach ulsers, etc). but whatever decision you all make, make sure its what makes you happy

    6 years isnt that long but i would be if you hated every day of it. my cousin just got out a year ago from a 6year service with the airforce and i would sign him up for 20more if it would mean not having to see him everyday again for a while. this place was peaceful while he was gone ahhh owell.
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