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This link is to a 1st gen CRX digi cluster... The 1st gen CRX and the 3rd gen Civic digi cluster are very different. Im a member at...
I was hoping someone else like yourself would see the post and be able to help... LOL :badidea:
True... The Ford GT isnt too bad either but you can count the number of well balanced US cars with one hand, Japanese cars on the other hand youll...
I have always had a thing for everything Japanese... Girls, culture, food, anime and so on. But when it comes to cars I would have to say the reason...
How about the Grand Prix Champion F-1 Special Edition package offered for 3rd gen Civic 84-87. [attach] [ATTACH]
Ok so I posted this on NWP4Life and Honda-Tech about a year ago and no one even knew Honda offered it. I myself have been looking for one for over 7...
If you happen to have any parts, know of someone that might or come across any Mugen parts made for a 3rd gen Civic 84-87 please inform me on it....
I might have to hit them up some time... Only thing tho is not too many people or companies even bother or would be up to the chalenge to source...
I pm'd him reguarding another thread where he posted a Mugen carb manifold he had a chance to buy once and I have been looking for. Thank you tho...
The center console is for a CRX the digi clock I have already and the manual book im not interested in but nice finds...
I need some help sourcing some parts... Anyone here lives in Japan and willing to help a fellow JDM enthusiast?
Okay so here is my self portrait... [attach] [attach] Here is me doing what I do best... [attach] I love shooting peeps in the face... [attach]...
Beautiful car!!! I know of someone that makes and sells repo CF48 aero covers
Happy to hear your taking the right steps and hope you get the car of your dreams!!! I went from EP to EG into a Fit and now my E-at. Even tho all my...
Nice... what happened to it? Me and a friend had one for sale registered with blue vin not too long ago [ATTACH]
Your right it does have a brown top and is a D16a1... pm'd
Yeah i was surprised that it didnt have rust when i got it from japan where it actually snows... Ill keep you guys posted on the progress:attention: